A New Take on Resolutions for Moms

It’s no secret that the new year is the time that all of us, no matter who you are, feel some sort of pull or pressure to make lofty goals or drastic resolutions. Well, I have a new take on resolutions for Moms. What if, instead of falling victim to this arbitrary deadline, we made a new resolution to trust our body’s cycle. 

Nearly 80% of New Year’s resolutions fail. One of the big reasons being that January 1st doesn’t align with our body’s natural rhythm. The winter solstice, for example, is the darkest and shortest day of the year - a time for quiet, rest, and stillness - yet, we are expected to celebrate and be bright through the holidays, then make drastic resolutions! 

Understanding Our Natural Cycles

As mothers, we often try to force ourselves into systems and schedules that weren’t designed for us. Consider this: We are all expected to operate on the same daily schedule and annual calendar.

Did you know that women’s bodies naturally align with lunar cycles? Unlike men, whose hormonal cycle operates on a 24-hour timeline, women’s bodies follow a 28-day (or monthly) rhythm. Consider these parallel patterns:

  • The moon cycle is 28 days

  • The feminine menstrual cycle is approximately 28 days

  • Both have four distinct phases

  • These phases correlate with the four seasons in nature

This isn’t just interesting, but it’s data that can help guide us on how to optimize our own cycles of energy better.

An Aligned Approach to Resolutions

Instead of forcing ourselves into reflection and goal-setting during the busy holiday season, what if we followed nature’s cues? This year, take comfort in knowing that every month, we as women have another chance to start anew. 

So, I invite you to:

  1. Release the January 1st Pressure. Give yourself permission to ignore the “new year, new you” hype. The fitness industry might be going into overdrive, but you have permission to tune it out.

  2. Create Simple Rituals. Consider a quiet winter solstice celebration – something as simple as sitting in a dark room with a single candle. Invite your kids and you might be surprised how naturally children take to these nature-based ceremonies.

  3. Use the Moon as Your Guide.

    • Use each full moon as an opportunity to release what’s no longer serving you

    • Use new moons to set intentions for what you’d like to call in

    • This creates twelve natural check-in points throughout the year rather than one high-pressure date

  4. Honor Your Energy. Remember that you’re not meant to operate at the same energy level all the time. Just as the moon waxes and wanes, so too should your energy and focus.

Give Yourself the Gift of Time

The key to sustainable change isn’t forcing ourselves into arbitrary timelines – it’s aligning with our natural rhythms and cycles. As mothers, we have enough external pressures without adding more through rigid New Year’s resolutions.

This year, give yourself the gift of time. Embrace the natural quiet of winter and wait until your energy naturally rises (I promise you, it will!) to set your intentions for the year ahead. I invite you to please join me in my upcoming free event, The Mom Pause, on January 27th over at The School of MOM, where I’ll help guide you through a reflection and intention setting practice that honors YOU.

This year is about trusting your natural rhythm and setting yourself up for success rather than the familiar cycle of resolution and failure. Let’s do it together.


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