Parent Postpartum Wellness Series

3/16 Replay - Postpartum Healing: Om Birth’s, Bec Conant, and Alex Digrado, Pelvic Floor PT

 Postpartum Healing: Om Birth’s, Bec Conant, and Alex Digrado, Pelvic Floor PT, will share healing tips for the postpartum phase

3/9 Replay - Parenting and Babies 101 with Nurture by Naps

Nurture by Naps shares all you really need to know about sleep, eating, and all the hot newborn topics.

Use the Code PWG100 to get free access to Nuture by Naps Newborn How to get your newborn to SLEEP longer stretches at night webinar on March 31th, 2023. Link to register is here. 

3/2 Replay - Couples Support with Rebecca Eudy

  Rebecca Eudy shares advice on communicating better after having a baby, and common sticking points between new parents.

If you are seeking couples support to reach out to

2/23 Replay - Parenting Oneself with School of Mom founder, Sarah Harmon,

Sarah introduces the important concept of parenting oneself, including how to tune into your needs, make time for you, and become your own best supporter.

You can connect with Sarah at the below links:


2/16 Replay - Mindful Parenting with Noel Coakley

 Noel Coakley will introduce healthy ways to stay in the moment with your kids and yourself

You can connect with Noel at the below links: