12 Self-Care Hacks for Parents
It’s okay to admit that parenting is really freaking hard and that you’d like to escape from it once in a while. We all feel this way. It doesn’t mean that you are ungrateful or selfish or don’t love or appreciate your life and family. It means you are human.
Sure, we fantasize about vacations from our kids and family, where we can connect with our pre-parenthood selves again. Those trips are amazing and well deserved but what’s more important and beneficial are the everyday things that breathe life back into our bodies.
As the new year continues to unfold, it’s a good time to adjust our habits and prioritize the things that truly matter. And for parents, I urge you to remember to put your own oxygen mask on first.
Here are 12 self-care hacks for parents in 2024:
TAKE three conscious deep breaths. It calms the parasympathetic nervous system which results in a calmer mind and body.
START your day with brain dumping. Set your phone alarm for three minutes. Write down whatever is on your mind. No judgment and end with three things you can be grateful for.
SPLASH cold water on your face or take a cold shower. Cold exposure is proven to lower heart rate which as a result calms anxiety. According to a study, it does this by activating the vagus nerve (stress response) and the body having to return to its normal baseline prior to the stress stimulus, which ultimately can improve stress tolerance. When you put your hands in a bowl of ice water for a few minutes or have access to a body of water you can fully plunge in, there are incredible benefits to the cold!
CHUG a glass of water (over a cup of coffee/soda) for immediate restoration and energy.
STRETCH your body. Try a hip opening yoga pose! My personal favorite is the pigeon or goddess poses. We carry a lot of tension in our pelvic region and opening your hips while sending breath to the area can feel energizing and relaxing all at once.
HUG yourself. That’s right. Give yourself some love. You can also place a hand over your heart and the other hand over your belly while you focus on your breath. Consider saying a mantra like “I’m doing the best that I can and that is enough.”
MOVE your body. Walk. Run. Sometimes it’s jumping jacks, push ups or ‘Running Man’ for the win if you can’t make it to the gym!
LAUGH. At anything. Try and reframe to find the humor in life’s little moments and you will discover a secret to happiness and stress relief!
LOVE on your pet for a boost of endorphins.
RECHARGE your battery. If a nap is possible, even a 10-20 minute snooze can be more energizing than a cup of coffee and the bonus is you WON’T have sugar or caffeine crash.
GO OUTSIDE and get some fresh air. Look at a tree or something natural for a moment or two to help reset your brain and find serenity.
LISTEN to a guided meditation. Feel like you don’t have the time? They have three minute ones! Check out the Mindfulness, Headspace and Calm apps. They have free versions to try or Youtube has a ton of free options too. This Yoga Nidra is a great, free option that you can do while lying down before sleep.
EVERYONE in your life benefits from a more restored version of you. Especially your children. Overall maternal health is largely dependent on maternal mental health and we believe that taking care of YOU in your daily habits and rituals is one of the most powerful ways to take care of your health.
If you ever want to talk to someone about how to prioritize you, schedule a consult.