Group Therapy for NEW Moms
When we were planning our next round of Group Therapy, we wanted to create something more intimate for a unique group of parents. We set up our next offering of group therapy to unite and support a very special group - moms with a child between 0-18 months. First time moms, second time moms, tenth time moms…any mom with a new little one!
Each time there is a new baby, the mom is new too. The challenges may be the same in some ways and will likely be different in many ways. We will support each other through that newness.
The timing is strategically placed during the beginning of winter and the holiday season. For moms with new babies, the winter days can feel isolating and dark. For moms with new babies, this time can feel overwhelming, lonely and unsafe. And for all moms, there is the risk of losing sight of ourselves in a time that tends to be busy and filled with giving and gathering.
One of the three primary types of therapy we offer here at Parent Wellness Group is Group Therapy. Group therapy, particularly in the postpartum or early parenting periods, can be a great way to find connection, support, ideas and perhaps most of all, validation that you’re not alone.
What is Group Therapy?
Group Therapy is typically a group of six or more clients led by one or more clinicians that meet regularly for a period of time. These groups are typically focused in some way on certain types of support - grief, anxiety, addiction, or, in our case, parent support. Clients can attend group therapy on its own or in tandem with individual therapy. Oftentimes, group therapy can serve as a way to help implement new habits or ideas discussed in individual therapy.
Parent Wellness Group is launching our next Group Therapy for New Moms Program on February 2, 2024. This six-week program will take place on Fridays at 12pm EST for 50 minutes. Email us to register!
Our group therapy program is an incredible way to not only join like-minded parents working through similar life experiences, but there are so many benefits to group therapy that we wanted to highlight.
5 Benefits of Group Therapy at Parent Wellness Group
A weekly commitment to learning about and reflecting on your needs. We meet our baby’s needs without hesitation. We stay up all night, cancel everything, skip meals or biological needs to take care of them. And when you’re constantly giving of yourself and your time, it’s difficult to hone in on yourself and get in touch with your inner feelings and needs. When you sign up for one of our group therapy programs, you have set time every week for six weeks to focus on yourself.
Validation. Sometimes it is hard to have compassion for our difficult thoughts and feelings without validation from others. “Why does my baby have a blow out EVERY time we try to leave the house?” “When will I ever want to be intimate again?” “This isn’t what I thought it would be like.” Obtaining a sense of understanding from mothers who are going through and/or have gone through similar challenges in their lives is vital. Many of us tend to hold in our feelings of struggle and can even feel shame in our “oneness” that perhaps we’re the only ones suffering? Coming together with a group of women in the same life stage as you can open our eyes to how common our experience and feelings can be.
A safe space to be yourself. Whether you need to let out frustrations with your partner or family member, express your disdain for breastfeeding, share an anxious moment you had taking your child out of the house, thoughts about maternity leave/potential returns to work, group therapy is a confidential space where women can talk about whatever they are thinking and feeling.
Gain or enhance meditation and mindfulness tools. In a group setting, you will learn and practice actionable methods for staying in the moment, coping with stress, and more. Having a group to do this with can also help us reflect on our moments of success and keep us accountable for our practice.
Building community with other mothers. Especially in the first year of two of mothering a new baby, parenthood (and life!) can feel utterly lonely at times. When you’re drained and giving of yourself to your children, partner, work, friends and life responsibilities, it’s not uncommon to feel like you’re the “only one” feeling this way. No matter where you’re located and what kind of “village” you have or not, group therapy can be an excellent way to benefit from community.
We hope you found this helpful and look forward to our next Group Therapy program beginning December 1st. If you’d like to register or simply ask questions, please email us.